Poetry, TLC Style!

The Lisa Clapper has a unique way of communicating via poetry. Her approach to writing poems is where her penchant for storytelling meets her penchant for rhyme! Her way of listening and weaving the present into poetry is uplifting, and infectious.

She is a spoken word poet who has presented at many poetry events, is a prolific poem writer (she aims for at least one a day!), and loves inhabiting that creative space where vision, words, and rhyme come together.

Spoken word to the wise, she’s appeared on a Litquake San Francisco panel with A Writer’s Life, recited incantations with The Poet’s Murmuration at The Exploratorium, been one of the Voices in Power in Philadelphia, and shared countless poems at Connect with Story.

Connect with her today to experience Lisa’s lyrical aliveness at your next reading, open mic, or storytelling event. Or commission a custom Yay takeaway poem to capture the essence of your next conference, corporate event, or retreat.